Show Your Work 00

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

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"For artists, the great problem to solve is how to get oneself noticed."

A New Way of Operating

Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.”
—John Cleese

When I have the privilege of talking to my readers, the most common questions they ask me are about self-promotion. How do I get my stuff out there? How do I get noticed? How do I find an audience? How did you do it?

Words & phrases

creativity: n.创造力,独创性

His illness had not stunted his creativity.



  • n.特权,特殊待遇;荣幸,光荣;(富人或上层阶级的)权势;(律师、医生及其他专业人士的)保密权;言行免责权(尤指议员的权利);<史>(授予个人,公司,某地的)特许经营权;(生活)优越

  • v.<正式> 给予特权,特别优待;特免,免除(某人)

have the privilege of: 有幸…

I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.


out there: 到战场,在那里

Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job.


I hate talking about self-promotion. Comedian Steve Martin famously dodges these questions with the advice, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” If you just focus on getting really good, Martin says, people will come to you. I happen to agree: You don’t really find an audience for your work; they find you. But it’s not enough to be good. In order to be found, you have to be findable. I think there’s an easy way of putting your work out there and making it discoverable while you’re focused on getting really good at what you do.

Words & phrases

dodges: v躲避,闪避:避开或回避某事物。

He dodges the ball skillfully.


dodge / dɑːdʒ /

  • v.闪开,躲开;巧妙躲避,施计回避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光

  • n.逃避的诡计,骗人的伎俩;躲闪

Almost all of the people I look up to and try to steal from today, regardless of their profession, have built sharing into their routine. These people aren’t schmoozing at cocktail parties; they’re too busy for that. They’re cranking away in their studios, their laboratories, or their cubicles, but instead of maintaining absolute secrecy and hoarding their work, they’re open about what they’re working on, and they’re consistently posting bits and pieces of their work, their ideas, and what they’re learning online. Instead of wasting their time “networking,” they’re taking advantage of the network. By generously sharing their ideas and their knowledge, they often gain an audience that they can then leverage when they need it—for fellowship, feedback, or patronage.

Words & phrases

schmoozing: 闲谈,拍马屁(schmooze / ʃmuːz / 的现在分词)

When you called me, we were schmoozing.


cocktail: 鸡尾酒;混合物;杂锦冷盘

Why don't you mix a cocktail for our guests?



  • n.想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L 字形)曲柄;(非正式)脱氧麻黄碱(中枢兴奋药);(诗、文)妙语

  • v.转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯;(非正式)注射毒品

  • adj.(帆船)易倾覆的

The chauffeur got out to crank the motor.


cranking away: 不停地工作或努力:持续地、不间断地工作或努力。

He's been cranking away at his computer for hours.


cubicle: n.小卧室;小隔间

He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool.


secrecy: n.秘密,保密

They were sworn to secrecy.


hoarding: 贮藏(hoard 的 ing 形式)

They've begun to hoard food and petrol and save their money.


bits and pieces of: 点点滴滴,零零碎碎的东西

Bits and pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.


fellowship: 交情,友谊;(有相似爱好的)团体,协会,联谊会;(高等院校的)研究员; <美>(研究生)奖学金;董事职位,会员资格;(决定奖学金人选的)奖学金评选组

There was a great deal of soldierly good fellowship.


patronage: n.赞助,资助;(对餐馆、酒店或其他生意的)惠顾,光顾;职位授予权,恩惠给予权;庇护,扶植;恩赐态度;(古罗马)庇护人的权力和职责,庇护人的地位

The restaurant has a large patronage.


I wanted to create a kind of beginner’s manual for this way of operating, so here’s what I came up with: a book for people who hate the very idea of self-promotion. An alternative, if you will, to self-promotion. I’m going to try to teach you how to think about your work as a never-ending process, how to share your process in a way that attracts people who might be interested in what you do, and how to deal with the ups and downs of putting yourself and your work out in the world. If Steal Like an Artist was a book about stealing influence from other people, this book is about how to influence others by letting them steal from you.

Words & phrases


  • adj.手工的,体力的;手动的,用手操作的

  • n.使用手册,说明书;手动换挡的车辆;风琴键盘;(牧师主持圣礼时用)礼仪书

He consulted the manual.



  • adv.(用于强调形容词或副词)很,非常;极其,完全地;<非正式>显著的,典型的;显然,确实,真正地

  • adj.同一的,恰好的,正是的;(加强名词的语气)仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于;(强调极限的地点或时间)最……的,极端的,十足的;最远端的,末端的;<古>真正的,真实的;最佳的,最合适的

This is the very book I've been looking for all month. 這正是那本我找了整整一個月的書。

never-ending: 永无止境的,永不完结的

Housework is a never-ending task.


ups and downs: 起起落落,波折:指生活、事业或情感等方面的顺利与困难,成功与失败。

Ups and downs make one strong.


Imagine if your next boss didn’t have to read your résumé because he already reads your blog. Imagine being a student and getting your first gig based on a school project you posted online. Imagine losing your job but having a social network of people familiar with your work and ready to help you find a new one. Imagine turning a side project or a hobby into your profession because you had a following that could support you.

Words & phrases

résumé: / ˈrezəmeɪ; ˌrezʊˈmeɪ /n.(法)简历

Applicants are asked to send in a résumé and a cover letter.



  • n.演唱会,现场演出;(尤指临时的)工作;(旧时用的)双轮马车;轻便划艇,轻便帆船;鱼叉;旋转物;<非正式>千兆字节,吉字节

  • v.(公开)表演,演奏;在(流行音乐或爵士乐)演奏会上用乐器演奏;乘轻便双轮马车;使……起绒;用鱼叉捕鱼;记过处分

The gig was pulled at the last moment.


side project: 副项目:一个人在主要工作或职责之外进行的项目,通常是为了充实自己的技能、兴趣或创造力。

This looks like an engineer's side project.


profession: n.(尤指需要长期训练和正规资格的)职业;(某)职业界同行,同业;(统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业(the professions);(信念、观点或感情的)公开表示,表白;入教誓言,修道誓约;入教仪式,入教

They're both doctors by profession.


Or imagine something simpler and just as satisfying: spending the majority of your time, energy, and attention practicing a craft, learning a trade, or running a business, while also allowing for the possibility that your work might attract a group of people who share your interests.

Words & phrases

satisfying: adj.令人满意的;令人满足的

I found wood carving satisfying, and painting fun.



  • n.工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品

  • v.精心制作

He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft.



  • v.共享,合用;分享;分配;分担(责任),分摊(费用);共同拥有(看法、特质或经历);倾诉,吐露

  • n.股份,股票;(共有财产的)部分所有权;责任,贡献;份额;(某物的)一个合理(或正常)的量

Share prices moved ahead today.


All you have to do is show your work.